Tenerife weather in December
Tenerife is a popular place for sunseekers in December with average maximum temperatures a pleasant 22.2 °C (70 °F) combined with about six hours of sunshine.
The change of seasons settle down by December and although it can rain, it is one of the reliably warm and sunny winter months, in theory anyway. For years we noticed that December weather in the north was regularly sunnier than the south. It was only by analysing the weekly weather for this post that the penny finally dropped as to why that should be.
Spanish Met Office records show December is one of the months when calima likes to pay regular visits to the Canary islands, sometimes on a weekly basis. The way calima affects Tenerife is it brings windy, hazy conditions to the east and south, but the island’s high spine acts as a barrier to the low-lying sand cloud sweeping west from North Africa. Subsequently the north isn’t affected in the same way.
In December daytime shade temperatures range from 23-25C in Tenerife south and 20-24C in Tenerife north.