SL-TF 71 Camino de la Virgen – Tenerife hiking trail

Technical information

  • Start: El Porton, on the road from La Caleta to Fanabe (Adeje)
  • Finish: The Old Chapel of San Sebastian (Adeje)
  • Approval status:
  • Degree of difficulty: Low
  • Type of trail: Linear
  • Distance: 2.0 km (12.89 ft)
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Highest altitude: 130 m (12.89 ft)
  • Lowest altitude: 21 m (12.89 ft)
  • Elevation gain: 13.7 m (12.89 ft)
  • Elevation loss: 121 m (12.89 ft)
  • Authorisation required: No


Trail description

The pathway of Camino de La Encarnacion is today known as Camino de La Virgen (the Pathway of the Virgin) because the residents of Adeje promised to carry her to her “former home” once a year in appreciation for her favours. Many hundreds of years ago, the image of La Virgen de la Encarnacion was taken from La Enramada to the Chapel of Santa Ursula de la Villa under Pedro de Ponte’s orders so as to protect her from pirate attacks in the 16th century, which is what inspired the name of the path. The path – though not the procession, which begins at the Church of Santa Ursula – sets off from the old gateway that stands on the road from Fanabe to La Caleta. From there, it heads down towards the coast through old farmland to the area known as Tosca Colorada. The ground here shows the remains of old roadways that were carved into the volcanic ground, proving that this was an area for trade. There is a stopping place here where pilgrims make a halt to say their prayers to the Virgin on their way to the Chapel of La Enramada. There are two further stopping places along the way: by the threshing fields and at El Humilladero. The latter is a historical point of reference, as this is the place where La Virgen de la Encarnacion made her appearance and was first worshipped. The trail ends by the old Chapel of La Enramada, which is today known as the Old Chapel of San Sebastian.

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SL-TF 71 Camino de la Virgen KML

Also see walking routes:

Remember: Prevention, Information and Knowledge are the key to avoiding unpleasant situations.

  1. Make sure you always have somebody else to walk with, stick to the marked footpaths and respect the way of life, privacy and property of the local inhabitants.
  2. If you keep your noise levels down, you will discover just how much life there is all around you.
  3. Take any rubbish with you, even organic waste. This will help preserve the beauty of the scenery and prevent the proliferation of rodents in the area. Take special care with cigarette butts.
  4. Picking up plants, animals or other items from the environment may entail the loss of irreplaceable resources.
  5. The people who take care of these Protected Nature Areas would be very grateful if you let them know about any incidents you may have noticed on your walk.
  6. Remember that the Island’s environment is as unique as it is unpredictable. It must be enjoyed responsibly and sensibly. Take special care in natural areas and don’t forget that accidents can happen at any time.
  7. Pay attention to signs.
  8. Check the weather forecast? to make sure the conditions are suitable.
  9. Wear suitable clothing and footwear for hiking and always pack your mobile phone, sunscreen, a hat, a coat, a waterproof, enough food and plenty of water in your backpack.
  10. Let your family and/or friends know which route you will be taking and bear in mind how many daylight hours you will need to complete it.